Love like Christ

Have you ever heard the song, "We all bleed the same" by Mandisa? The lyrics go like this, "we all bleed the same, we're more beautiful when we come together, we all bleed the same, so tell me why, tell me why, we're divided." The song goes about how we need to come together. We may look different on the outside, but we all bleed the same on the inside. We need to love and support each other more. Jesus loved people. He loved thieves, tax collectors, diseased people, poor people, children and His followers. He loved people who were devoted to Him and those who were different from Him. His love is the same today. Because we are loved by Him, we are called to love like Him. We need to stop criticizing and judging each other. We should be compassionate and supportive towards one another. God commanded that his people encourage one another because he knows we need it. In John 16:33, Jesus warned that "in this world you will have trouble," Which he then followed with a much needed encouragement, "But take heart; I have overcome the world." We live in a broken world where everything calls us towards selfishness and despair.

I have been blessed with amazing support groups in my life. But I've also experienced judgment, and hatred. When I found out Jane had a tumor, a part of me was afraid telling people.  I knew there would be people who'd  judge me; and there were. I had someone come tell me, " You must have really sinned in your life, that God is punishing you by making your baby sick." Ouch, that was tough to hear. I honestly don't think God punishes us for our sins, because He died for them on the cross. I do think we have consequences for our actions. I also believe that God sometimes brings trials in our lives, not to harm or punish us, but to change us. To strengthen us. Sometimes, it's simply that we can be a testimony to others. You shouldn't question God because you think He must be wrong; He isn't. Instead, ask Him to help you trust him, even when you don't understand why things are happening to you; the way they are. God loves you, if He didn't, He wouldn't have sent His Son into the world to die for you. But he did, and that makes all the difference.

Every time I come to Seattle Children's Hospital, I sit in the waiting room and look around. So many sick kids and my heart breaks for them. A part of me wants to get up and give all those moms a hug. I don't know their Childs story, but Im sure it isn't easy. I just want to tell them, they are doing a great job and to never to give up. It isn't easy having a child with disablities. My 3 other kids were easy babies, but with Jane, its been a difficult journey. I wouldn't have been able to get through it all without Gods help. Along the way, God opened doors to other resources and support groups.
There are so many resources and support groups. Some meet in person, others online. One of the biggest advantages of having a support group, is that it gives you courage to get through whatever you're going through. Whether you are grieving, trying to break from an addiction, or facing a life challenges; a support group can help you.  I recommend you find something that what works for you and your schedule.

 The reason I wanted to write this blog was to encourage you have compassion. Don't be so quick to judge. Don't stare at those sick kids or their parents, but rather say a prayer. I encourage you to love more. We all need to come together and support each other more. We need to love more. To love like Christ loves us.


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